The Walking in Your True Identity Study Guide can be used individually or with a small group. It is the second study in the True Identity Study series and recommended to complete the True Identity study first, but can be done as a stand alone study. It is designed to be used in companion with the Introduction and Session Author Videos for the study (NOTE: there is a link in the Walking in Your True Identity Study Guide to access the videos and audio files of the videos. There is no fee to access the videos).

PURCHASE theTrue Identity Study Guide through Amazon.

(NOTE: when you order through Amazon’s www.smile.amazon.com site, choose True Identity Ministries as your beneficiary and every time you place an order, Amazon will make a donation to True Identity Ministries.)

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The Walking in Your True Identity Study is set-up a bit differently from the True Identity Study, in that instead of a teaching video taking you through the Core Principles, you will do a self-study through the Core Principles and Reflections Questions on your own, before you meet with your group. Learning to study the Bible for yourself is a vital key to maturing and growing in your faith. Knowing God’s Word and His Truth will equip you to walk freely in your true identity in Him! This easy to follow Study Guide includes self-study helps and tools, and clearly walks you through the Core Principles.

There is a brief video by the author of each session giving an overview of the session and personal example to watch after group discussion questions. Other elements of each session are similar to the first True Identity Study (see below).

What’s inside?

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How to Use This Study Guide
Self-study Helps & Tools
Session 1: Saved From
Session 2: Saved For
Session 3: Intimacy with God
Session 4: Hearing from God
Session 5: The Holy Spirit in You
Session 6: Spiritual Gifts
Session 7: Crossing the Jordan
Walk On!
Additional Resources for Group Leaders
About the Authors
About True Identity Ministries




Session key Bible verse and brief introduction to each session.


Dig in and discover how to study the Bible for yourself as you work through the Core Principles and Reflection Questions of each session.

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Key teaching elements and scripture related to each session with room to make notes in your Study Guide.


Questions to help you personalize reflection with God and hear from Him how best to implement and walk out in all He deposits in you in each session.


Group Discussion

A set of group discussion questions based on the core principles of each session. The questions can also be a good starting point for contemplation if going through the study individually.



A brief session overview by the session author along with a personal example.


Walking it Home - Applying What You Have Learned

Activities to do in your group to help you engage in what you have discussed and are learning. Some activities can be done alone if you are going through the study individually.


Praying it Forward

Praying together in pairs or small groups asking the Lord to help you begin to take steps personally in what you are learning. Prayers also apply if you are going through the study individually.


Resources - For Further Study

Additional resources and guides for further study to go deeper in the session topic.

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